Se não der pra enxergar o efeito do monstro:
This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Perfection of Alchemy".
The effect of this card depends on the number of monsters removed from play.
1+: The Attribute of this card is also treated as WIND, WATER, FIRE, and EARTH while it is face-up on the field.
5+: This card cannot be destroyed by battle.
15+: This card cannot be destroyed by card effects.
20+: Once per turn, you can Special Summon one removed from play monster.
25+: Once per duel, you can pay half of your life points to return all removed from play cards to their respective Decks.
Alguem pode me dar uma sugestao de imagem ou site que contenha imagens para o monstro de ritual? Obrigado.